Launching: Light Up Knock

This project was something i was doing for course of instruction and is the first time I did anything that attached making something light up from scratch. Almost ilk making my own set of Christmas lights. Anyhow, it was a delight to brawl thusly I am just now sledding to tell you guys how to make one like mine OR even better.

Step 1: Getting What You Need

Make sure you get everything that is on the lean because we will make up using all the items while creating this belt.

List of item must have:

i beltflora RGB smart Neopixel lights from adafuit

consolidated Electronic telegraph and cable: bring fort four different colors of your select so it can be easier to tall them apart when assembling everything together.

electric tape

bonding wire and iron

shrinking tubes

wire cutters and strippers

Arduino that come up with the cable to test codes and fireplug in to battery

portable assault and battery that is a 5v with a usb left

hot glue gun and similar

bread board

10k resistor

1k capacitor

Step 2: Wires

swerve 6 wires of 3 of the 4 colors, Which I am just loss to name "A,B,C, and D". When clipping the wires thin them about half the length of your index finger. The reason wherefore is because when soldering them on the the RGB LED lights then hot gluing them connected to the belt, you want information technology to bend nicely with out pulling any wires out from each other.

Step 3: Soldering on Wires A,B, and C

after cutting the 6 wires we take them and strip to each one ends with the wire strippers. make sure to strip enough that will allow you to twist wire A With wire A, Wire B with Wire B, and Wire C with Telegram C. what we will be doing with the first end of electrify A is putting it through the Plus sign on the Rgb Led light and bonding it happening. Then take away B and put IT through the disadvantageous sign up the RGB LED lights and solder that in American Samoa well. When soldering these wires in makes sure to have the arrows facing you. We take cable C and blank space it in to the pointer second arrow that is the one that should be closest to you. so solder it in. Now Repeat this whole tone for whol 20 RGB LED Lights.

Step 4: Its Code Time

Okie Dokie subsequently doing entirely of step 3, we want to make certainly that the lights work. if they do non afterwards installation this code make sure to check some of you connects and that all of your arrows were facing right.

make sure to take in your great power source when

this is the encipher for the photocell and for the lights to work on together.

#ifdef __AVR__ #include